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First HYDEA webinar

Next 19 June at 11:00 am (GMT +2) we will hold the first webinar within the HYDEA project, in which we will talk about hydrogen production for decarbonization of the ports of the Atlantic area. In this online event, lasting 90 minutes, we have different speakers, universities, research centres and private companies, who will offer us their experience in hydrogen production, the most outstanding strategies and cutting-edge technologies, the needs of ports, and the generation of hydrogen through offshore wind.

You can download the program at this link:

If you want to know more about this project and hydrogen production technologies, we invite you to this webinar. You can sign up here:
Registration closes on 17 June.

The objective of HYDEA is to evaluate, develop and promote the use of technologies based on green hydrogen from renewable energies in ports in the Atlantic Area. The HYDEA consortium is composed of 4 countries, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and France, and 11 entities. This project is co-financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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