The objective of the deliverable D4.1.1 is to identify initiatives in the field of hydrogen in ports.
- In-depth literature research was conducted on trustworthy sources to identify key initiatives related to hydrogen in European seaports, particularly those of the Atlantic Area. Multiple sources were verified and cross-validated, and direct contacts were established with initiative partners and promoters. To identify the main initiatives, this deliverable establishes an information search methodology with a scope of the Atlantic Area and an information presentation model. There are different sources consulted such as digital press, web pages of associations, and project repositories.
- This deliverable incorporates a map of initiatives (see Maps tab of Resources section in the top page menu) containing information on the main initiatives related to hydrogen and other pertinent energy carriers, such as methanol and ammonia, in present and planned ports in the Atlantic Area regions. It serves to locate the main projects, their main characteristics, and the partners that compose them, among other complementary information.
- To have complete information on each initiative, it was necessary to contact the promoters of the initiatives since some of the information is not published. As a result, this deliverable is an encompassing document that provides an overview of hydrogen trends in European seaports, which will be edited and updated throughout the implementation of the project.